What is a Category Two Water Damage?
4/1/2022 (Permalink)
Not all commercial flooding is the same. Typically, your water damage will fall into one of three categories.
• Clean: Category One
• Gray: Category Two
• Black: Category Three
Most people can easily understand categories one and three. Clean water is not contaminated and comes from a broken pipe that carried fresh water. Black water is highly contaminated and often comes from sewer lines. Category two falls somewhere in the middle. Here's what you need to know about this type of flooding.
Picks Up Contaminants
When a water pipe repair flood fits into this category, the water was able to pick up contaminants. This can happen when a pipe bursts on the second floor. Even thought the water starts on the second floor, it often travels through drywall, flooring and other materials to reach the first floor and basement. As the water travels through these sources, it may pick up bacteria, viruses and other contaminants.
Sits Too Long
Clean water that is allowed to sit for long periods of time before the remediation is started can turn into category two. Mold spores may enter the water from the air or the liquid may leach contaminants from its surroundings. If you have a flooded building, you need to call in a commercial restoration team quickly to avoid this change.
From a Contaminated Source
Sometimes the water itself is contaminated when it enters your home or business building. If you're not dealing with a water pipe repair, but instead have a dishwasher or washing machine overflow, the water could already be contaminated. Some toilet overflow may also fit into this category so long as no feces is in the flow.
If you hear that you have category two water damage, you need to know that there may be some contamination. Responding quickly to a water pipe repair can help you solve the problem and may even reduce your chances of dealing with unsavory contaminants.